Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is an alternative method for both women and men to achieve hormonal balance and find relief from  the symptoms of menopause, perimenopause, andropause and thyroid disorder. Bioidentical hormones are plant-based and identical to those your own body produces. We prescribe through a highly reputable and certified North Carolina compounding pharmacy. At Medicatrix, we always evaluate and treat the underlying causes of hormonal dysfunction first. BHRT is utilized when necessary, at the lowest dose and for the shortest duration possible.

Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Safer?

Just because bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is called “natural”, it is not necessarily safer than synthetic hormones.  Bioidentical hormones are tailor made for you, however, based on the results of comprehensive laboratory testing. At Medicatrix, we apply the same type of scrutiny to the use of these prescribed remedies as any other and strictly monitor your progress and well-being throughout the treatment course.Therapy is customized for you to the lowest dose of BHRT needed to achieve balance and for the shortest duration necessary.

Is Natural Hormone Replacement Right For You?

If you are considering BHRT, the first step is to schedule a consultation with us at Medicatrix. We will review your medical history, listen to your concerns,do a physical exam and answer any questions you have. Then, we usually test your hormone levels and perform other relevant laboratory analysis. If we discover correctable causes of hormonal imbalance, we try to address them. BHRT is not for everyone.

We find that some patients are able to avoid any hormone replacement therapy and still achieve relief from their symptoms through a combination of customized advance supplements, exercise, dietary modifications, stress management and acupuncture. If BHRT is determined to be an option for you, we then proceed with a personalized therapeutic plan to fit your needs.